WINSTON-SALEM, N.C.— Womble Bond Dickinson attorney Jamie Dean addressed more than 130 in-house counsel at the April monthly meeting of the Association of Corporate Counsel’s Compliance & Ethics Network. His topic was “Website Accessibility 101: What Is It, Why Does It Matter, and How Can I Avoid Getting Sued Over It?”
“Website accessibility” is one of the hottest national trends in litigation and compliance. Retailers, financial institutions, and insurance companies have all been swept up by the growing wave of demand letters and lawsuits alleging their websites are not accessible to people with disabilities. Yet, understanding what “website accessibility” means, let alone whether a business’s site is “accessible,” can be difficult both legally and technically. Add to that a lack of clear accessibility regulations or case law and the challenge of responding to a website accessibility suit, or trying to proactively avoid one can seem daunting.
In this presentation, Dean demystified the meaning of “website accessibility,” explained the legal and non-legal standards that apply, and provide practical guidance for responding to website accessibility suits or avoiding them altogether.
Womble Bond Dickinson is the sponsor of the ACC’s Compliance & Ethics Network. Dean’s presentation took place April 17.