FCC Extends Staff Teleworking Period; Gregg Skall Discusses with Communications Daily
Jul 28 2020
WASHINGTON, DC—The FCC continues to adapt its operations so that the agency can continue to provide important services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The latest move is to allow teleworking FCC employees to continue working from home into 2021. In addition, the agency has delayed its move to its new headquarters until September due to staff health and safety concerns.
Womble Bond Dickinson Telecom attorney Gregg Skall, who regularly works with the FCC on behalf of industry clients, discussed these latest developments with Communications Daily. He said the FCC’s decision to allow continued teleworking may influence other communications entities to do the same, adding that many already were trending in that direction.
“Even if the FCC had gone back to work, I would expect teleworking [for other entities] to
continue as long as there is a continued threat,” Skall said.
Click here to read “Staff Allowed to Telework Until June, FCC Move Delayed Until September” in Communications Daily (subscription required).
Gregg Skall represents broadcasters and other parties in their regulatory dealings before the Federal Communications Commission and in their commercial business dealings. He serves as Washington Counsel to several state broadcaster associations. He also works with telecommunications companies and with radio device manufacturers to obtain FCC approvals.