Barry Herman & Jeff Whittle Write on IP Enforcement Benefits in Economic Downturn for Law360
Apr 16 2020
Given the challenges currently facing the US economy, it stands to reason that some companies may be looking to scale back their IP litigation efforts. But for many other companies, diligently enforcing patents and other intellectual property rights during an economic downturn can be an effective way to leverage underutilized assets.
Womble Bond Dickinson attorneys Barry Herman and Jeff Whittle have co-authored a new article for Law360 titled “IP Enforcement Can Pay Dividends in a Downturn.” In the article, the authors examine trends from the 2008-09 recession that illustrate how some companies were able to effectively protect their IP portfolios. Not only did this approach produce value from overlooked IP resources, it better positioned these companies in the marketplace for when the economy picked back up.
Herman and Whittle also discussed the value of an IP audit during an economic downturn. Such a comprehensive study can help company leaders determine both what assets they have in hand and where risks may exist.
Finally, they address various best practices to IP enforcement during an economic downturn, such as avoiding risks, evaluating IP capabilities, and working effectively with outside counsel.
Click here to read “IP Enforcement Can Pay Unexpected Dividends in A Downturn” (subscription only) at Law360.