ATLANTA, GA. — Womble Bond Dickinson joins the fight against Alzheimer’s by fielding a performance team in the Third Annual Battle for the Brain hosted by Daughters Against Alzheimer’s, and attorney Vonnetta Benjamin serves as Head of Logistics for the event.

The popular Battle for the Brain event features a lip sync competition among local corporate teams and draws over 1,000 guests.  Funds raised will benefit Emory University’s Goizueta Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, which is leading the way in finding a cure for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

Battle for the Brain will be held on February 6 at The Coca-Cola Roxy at The Battery in Atlanta. Womble Bond Dickinson’s performance team includes Meghan Aubry, Britany Crosby-Banyai, Nikole Crow, Nick Hanna, Laura Kees, Kay Newman, John Perry, Ian Phillips, Aaron Pohlmann, Abbie Roberson, Elizabeth Stell, and Diane West, with support from Lisa Bondurant.  

Womble Bond Dickinson partner Vonnetta Benjamin is an active member of the Georgia Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association and is serving as Head of Logistics for the Battle for the Brain event. 

Vonnetta Benjamin is an experienced and detail-oriented litigator who focuses her practice on product liability litigation, complex litigation, and healthcare and medical malpractice litigation.