Stephanie Yarbrough to Discuss Opportunity Zones with US Sen. Tim Scott at SC Opportunity Zone Summit
Sep 16 2019
GREENVILLE, SC—Womble Bond Dickinson attorney Stephanie Yarbrough has been working closely with South Carolina clients looking to do well while also improving their communities through the federal Opportunity Zones program. On Thursday, October 10, she will join US Sen. Tim Scott and other state leaders in speaking at the South Carolina Opportunity Zone Summit.
Established in 2017, the Opportunity Zones program is designed to encourage long-term private investments in low-income communities. This program provides a federal tax incentive for taxpayers who reinvest unrealized capital gains into Opportunity Funds, which are specialized vehicles dedicated to investing in low-income areas called “Opportunity Zones.”
Yarbrough and Sen. Scott will take part in a “Fireside Chat” on the business and legal issues surrounding Opportunity Zone investing in South Carolina. Sen. Scott is spearheading the Opportunity Zone effort at the national level, and his talk with Yarbrough will be the keynote event of the conference.
The SC Opportunity Zone Summit will take place at the Greenville Convention Center. Click here for more information or to register .
Stephanie Yarbrough has played a role in many of South Carolina’s largest economic development deals of the past 20 years. She works closely with companies seeking to expand or relocate operations to the Carolinas and the Southeastern United States. Her efforts on behalf of clients have led to the creation of thousands of new jobs and billions of dollars in new investments. When the New York Times profiled Charleston’s economic boom in 2017, Yarbrough was one of the local leaders the Times turned to for insight.
Please note: As of October 12 Stephanie Yarbrough’s name will change to Stephanie Few due to her marriage.