Judge Frank Bullock Talks Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 41(d), Attorneys’ Fees with North Carolina Lawyers Weekly
Aug 01 2016
Recently, the 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Federal Law of Civil Procedure 41(d) allows trial judges to exercise a great deal of discretion when awarding attorneys’ fees to defendants under certain circumstances.
Judge Frank Bullock, a leader of Womble Carlyle’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Team and a retired US District Court Judge, discussed this ruling and its implications on attorneys’ fees with North Carolina Lawyers Weekly.
Judge Bullock said that the ruling doesn’t necessarily represent a major shift because judges always have had the authority to sanction plaintiffs whom they believe are acting in bad faith.
“Most plaintiffs act in good faith, so they have nothing to worry about,” Judge Bullock said.
Click here to read the full article in North Carolina Lawyers Weekly(subscription required).
Judge Frank Bullock served as a federal judge for nearly a quarter of a century, presiding over hundreds of cases. Now, he brings those skills and experiences to private practice as a leader of Womble Carlyle’s Alternative Dispute Resolution practice. He practices in Womble Carlyle’s Greensboro and Winston-Salem, N.C. offices.