Judge Frank Bullock to Offer Public Presentation on Mediation and Conflict Resolution
Oct 09 2014
Womble Carlyle attorney and former US District Court Judge Frank Bullock will present a free program on mediation and dispute resolution.
Judge Bullock will be joined by Greensboro attorney Richard Connor for the discussion on, “Stories Mediators Tell: The Good, the Bad and the Ideal!” The 90-minute presentation takes place at 11:30 on Tuesday, October 14th. It will be held in Womble Carlyle’s Greensboro office.
The American Arbitration Association and Mediation.org are joining Mediation Week 2014, an initiative of the American Bar Association’s Section of Dispute Resolution to promote awareness of mediation as a way to resolve disputes outside the courtroom. The October 14th presentation is aimed at community leaders, business owners, nonprofit organizations, teachers, human resource staff members, students and alternative dispute resolution professionals.
Judge Frank Bullock served as a federal judge for nearly a quarter of a century, presiding over hundreds of cases. Now, he brings those skills and experiences to private practice as a leader of Womble Carlyle’s Alternative Dispute Resolution practice. He practices in Womble Carlyle’s Greensboro and Winston-Salem, NC offices.