To what extent may a witness correct a transcript of their deposition testimony on an errata sheet? Can they only correct transcription errors, or may they also amend substantive testimony?
Womble Carlyle Business Litigation attorney Jason Hicks answers these questions in a new article in the American Bar Association’s Trial Techniques Committee Newsletter’s Fall 2016 edition. Womble Carlyle attorney Chris Kreiner serves as Editor of the newsletter.
Jason Hicks has experience litigating cases and counseling clients in a wide variety of matters involving federal and state antitrust laws, franchise and dealer protection statutes, unfair and deceptive trade practices, advertising laws and regulations, industry-specific trade regulations, contract disputes, business torts, and constitutional law. His practice focuses on helping clients efficiently and effectively move their products through various levels of distribution by developing strategies to avoid potential problems, complying with applicable laws and regulations, and litigating disputes that arise along the way.
Hicks is the author of the Womble Carlyle Antitrust and Distribution Law Blog. He practices in Womble Carlyle’s Charlottesville, Va. and Washington, D.C. offices.