Related insights: Real Estate Finance


Construction will build up biodiversity

19 Oct 2023
The Environment Act 2021 introduced significant changes for the construction industry, and it will also mean additional considerations for lenders choosing to fund construction projects. From January 2024, the new 'Biodiversity Net Gain' (BNG) requirements will apply to projects requiring planning permission with limited exemptions for small sites, which are expected to require BNG from April 2024, and DCOs, where BNG is expected to be implemented in 2025.

BNG should be at the forefront of developers' and key stakeholders' (including lenders') minds when considering developing or funding projects.

Building Safety with Womble Bond Dickinson

01 Oct 2023
Sweeping changes, on a scale never seen before, are being made across the entire building regime.

Learn more about Building Safety at Womble Bond Dickinson - and how our team of lawyers stay up-to-date on building safety developments across a number of sectors and practice areas.

What is sustainable finance?

13 Jun 2023
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) first appeared in a 2004 report by the UN-Global Compact which argued that how companies manage their environmental, social and corporate governance issues is an indicator of their management quality. It also argued that companies that take these issues seriously can simultaneously increase shareholder value and contribute to sustainable development.

Why assignment provisions in construction contracts can make all the difference to lenders

09 Jun 2023
Assignment provisions are often found in construction contracts, including collateral warranties, and they are used to transfer the benefit of a construction contract from one party to another. When providing development and real estate finance, there are a number of issues lenders need to consider in relation to assignment of construction documents as part of their overall security package.

Building Safety Act 2022 – Highlights for lenders

15 Jan 2023
The Building Safety Act received Royal Assent on 28 April 2022 bringing some of the biggest changes to the construction industry in recent history. This may result in increased risk and cost to developers as well as delays to typical construction programmes. While a lot of the final detail is yet to be provided through secondary legislation, some changes came swiftly into force, and other proposed changes need to be considered now.