Katie specialises in advising charities and other not-for profit organisations. She advises on governance related issues in addition to establishing new charities, incorporating and merging existing charities, establishing trading subsidiaries, amending governing documents and providing advice on the need for and obtaining necessary Charity Commission approval, as appropriate.
Having previously specialised in Corporate Recovery at an international law firm, Katie has particular interest in and experience of advising organisations looking to restructure and works with clients to find ways to preserve the charity. Katie has also developed a specialism advising faith based charities and educational charities including Church of England Dioceses in relation to closed schools subject to trusts established under the School Sites Act 1841 in addition to applications to amend the trusts of the schools pursuant to section 554 Education Act 1996.
Katie has presented numerous seminars and provides trustee training sessions, having presented at both STEP (The Society of Trust and Estates Practitioners) and a number of specialist charities events in addition to presenting training for professionals through MBL Seminars Limited.
Examples of experience include:
- Donisthorpe Hall - Katie advised the charity on its plans to free up capital to increase cashflow and supported the charity as it entered administration and its subsequent solvent exit from administration and furtherance of its objects with the assistance of two other charities
- Supporting numerous clients to establish charities including corporate and private individual foundations, a Catholic Oratory, social enterprises and subsidiary companies in addition to incorporating existing charities both as companies limited by guarantee and charitable incorporated organisations
- Advising a national childcare members charity on its constitution and amendments to the same to facilitate a change to its structure that was required to enable the charity to meet its member's needs and continue its development and influence in the sector
- Advising a Church of England Diocese on a number of contested section 554 Education Act 1996 applications and challenges made further to the provisions of the Schools Sites Act 1841
- Supporting a range of clients in relation to technical trust issues and various applications to the Charity Commission in relation to cy-pres applications to amend trusts and seeking other permissions as required.